Sunday, December 12, 2010

All We Know

The earth pulses with life. Everyday people wake up, go to school or work, come home, go to bed, repeat...and yet we go on. Why? Is it because we hope that someday something will change, get better? Some misguided knowledge of adventure?

Everyday our eyes open like they never have before. The pupils dilate at the new light, light which is fresh and has not yet shone. As though each day were new. But can we really live that way? Can we really live as if we were a new person after each dawn?

Somehow our hearts keep beating, our lungs pulse in and out, in and out, sucking in the air to keep us alive. Our thoughts keep flowing, changing. But we ourselves are not the change, are we? Can we be changlings?

People; their eyes meet, flicker away, never to be seen or known again. Hands clasp in friendship, ghosts of ourselves who smile at the other reflections that breathe but do not live. The misty vapors of ourselves when we do not show our hearts.

So much is gained and lost everyday...and still never ceasing. We go on.

Someday I will understand everything.

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