Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Trance, The Auditory Caffeine

The title pretty much tells all, but I'm gonna babble on anyway so you have something to read.

I've never been the type of person to be into music. Everyone else has their ipods and their concerts and whatnot. People ask me what I listen to and never know how to answer. For one thing, what kind of question are they asking? Do they want to know genre? Names of bands? Which ever way I answer, it always seems wrong. But most of the time I just say I don't really listen to music. I get this reaction:


And then I say I've lived a rather (musically) sheltered life. And then I get this:

"Well then, I guess I'm gonna have to educate you."

I have heard that so many bloody times. Why does everyone think they need to educate me to like music? It's none of their bloody business, dammit! I think everyone just wants to brainwash me to their musical tastes. (And no, I'm not british. I just like saying "bloody".)

Okay, back on topic. Thank god I have a friend of awesomeness who isn't worried about everyone liking her musical tastes (hi Libba!). I asked her for a song reccommendation, and she told me to listen to pandora. I already had a pandora (I can't believe you don't have one, Libba), so I went music genre shopping and picked trance.

God, I love it. I love the catchy beat. The ethereal vocals. The abstract lyrics. The electronic pulse. Like I said, it's auditory caffeine. I have never wanted to know how to dance before, but now I do. Why have I never heard of this stuff before? I listen to it and suddenly I have energy. It's like magic. Caffeine, without the calories. I'm pretty sure just listening to it burns calories. It just gets my pulse going.

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