Sunday, December 19, 2010

Driving Rain

I got to drive down highway 20 yesterday. In the rain. It was sort of strange. The speed limit is 65, and all the rain on the road felt like it was dragging at the wheels. I had the perpetual feeling that if I let go of the wheel with one hand for even a few seconds, like to turn on the rear defogger or fix the windshield wipers, the jumper would go careening out of my control and fly over the edge of the road and down the hill.

Like life. Not that my current psychological issues are being superimposed over my daily activities or anything.

Does it ever go away? This feeling like I'm only barely managing to stay afloat and that any second I'm going to be pulled under and disappear?

It's been raining torrents. I made a little paper boat today and put it in our swelled backyard creek. It didn't make it very far. It got stuck in the pine needles. I came back inside and made a whole fleet of little paper boats. I don't know if I should let them go.

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