Friday, April 15, 2011

Self Creating Personas

I read a lot. I keep track of the books I've read on shelfari.
I've noticed something: I am influenced by the people I read and write about. In Tithe (Holly Black), the MC Kaye doesn't like anything that's too sweet/sugary. For a few days after I read that, I didn't put any sugar in my coffee. When I created a character who loved trance music and chaos, and I felt an insatiable urge to crank up the volume and spend an entire night dancing. The next character I dreamed up had a lip ring and long blue hair. Now I have plans to get my lip pierced and dye my fringe blue (in my defense, a lip ring is something I've been wanting for a while, and I can't actually dye my fringe because I have a job).

Of course, the big one is my soul character, the Seeker. We share so much that she's pretty much a reincarnation of me. She has my hair and eyes, I'm planning tattoos similar to hers, she dresses like me, and she's quiet and thoughtful - like me. Her past and current situation, of course, were dramatized for plot, but she shares many of my fears. She also has my affinity for black chokers, although in her case, she only wears one, and it's covered in the symbols of her dead friends.

These characters are partially born of me, so it makes sense that they would influence me, too. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy: I make a character with certain tendencies of mine, and other tendencies come out of that which reflect back to me.

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