Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Job Hunting Sucks

I really hate job hunting.

I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but there's a new restaurant opening in town, and I applied to work there last Friday. I was part of a large group interview (which was a horrifying experience, in my opinion - I had one shot to say everything important and that was it). My parents told me there was a good chance I got a job (though I disagreed). My mother was especially optimistic; she made me answer the phone every time it rang on Monday and Tuesday (when I was supposed to hear back if I was hired), despite my cynical, disbelieving attitude. I don't ever expect to get hired. After all, I'm just another hopeful, inexperienced teenager in a mass of people who are looking for jobs.

Well, today is Wednesday and I was not hired. I can't honestly say this surprises me. My mother is driving me insane. Every time I apply somewhere, she becomes just so certain that I must get this job. She tries to get me all excited every single time. And every single time I am disappointed. Now I have to muster up enough energy to put myself out there again, because today I found out that my mother is going to have me start paying rent every month when I turn 18. This means that I no longer would like a job: now I must have a job, because if I don't, I won't be able to pay my rent and then I'll get kicked out of the house.

So today, my mother decided that instead of doing my English homework (which is due tonight in the college class I'm taking), I should go job-hunting! That's what I've been doing today, and it's been very taxing on my nerves. I've had absolutely no luck. Nobody wants a teenage employee; teenagers are supposed to be moody, unstable, and most importantly, inexperienced.

How am I supposed to get experience if no one will hire me?


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