Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why do I want to be a Freak?

Society today is full of sheeple (sheep + people); granted it has probably always been that way, but it hasn't always been so...regressively connected. The average person today (at least in my generation), doesn't give a care about their health, their future, their education, or their mental well-being. They facebook, and tweet, and text, and chat. They're emotional and unstable. They don't craft or write or learn or create. They don't value quality.

I call myself a freak because I do.

I've never been called a freak directly by anyone else, but I've been called a lot of different things. Nerd. Robot. Goody-goody. Weird. Up-tight. Stuck up. That's what my "friends" have called me. They call me a lot of things for a lot of reasons. Nerd and goody-goody, becuase I do my homework, study instead of goof off, and consider my grades important. Robot, because I don't let my emotions control me. Stuck up, because I don't want to hang out with people who drink, do drugs, etc. Weird and up-tight, because I don't follow common fads. I got so tired of trying to ward off all these negative comments; now I just accept them as positive ones, regardless of what the speaker intends.

I value quality. I care about my health, my future, my education, and my mental well-being. I have a facebook, but I only use it to keep in touch with people who won't keep in touch any other way. I don't tweet, text, or chat with random strangers online (a current fad). I'm not emotional or unstable. I love to craft and write and learn and create. Oh, and I blog, something kids in my generation don't have to patience to do.

That's why I'm a freak. It's by society's definitions. I admit, I'm not the only one like this; there are other people who are intelligent and innovative, but they're definitely in the minority. I call myself a freak in acceptance of the fact that I am part of this minority. I am proud to be a freak.

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