Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello, Hello, Stranger

Hello. I'm Autumn. I am the presence in the corner, the mysterious dark stranger, the lonely genius, the misunderstood rebel. I am, by my very nature, the freak.

Perhaps you wonder what it is that makes me a freak. Perhaps you have already deemed me to be one of those angsty, woe-is-me types, with the alone-in-a-crowded-room syndrome, pitifully and stubbornly insisting, "No! I really am so unique and misunderstood!"

If this is what you thought, let me hasten to correct your mistaken assumption. I have no angst. I am not woeful. I may have issues, but this is not one of them. I am perfectly happy with where, and who, I am.

The primary reason I am a freak is: psychologically, my Myers-Briggs type preference is for INTJ. I will delve more deeply into the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in a later post, but for now, this means that I am highly independent, intellectual, systematic, cynical, driven, and reserved. These are all traits people don't expect to find in a female ager. INTJ's are rare, INTJ females even more so, and they're massively misunderstood.

The second reason I'm a freak is: I am gothically inclined. Again, more about goth in a later post, but for now, goths are also massively misunderstood, practically on principle.

If you were to see me on the street, you wouldn't assume I was a freak. I blend in. Mostly, this is because a) I can't afford gothic clothing (although I'm working on making my own), and b) I live with my very conventional, Christian conservative family. My father doesn't care much that I'm all "weird" (he's kind of weird, too), but my mother can be cruel. So I have to act normal, especially around her.

Anyway...just try not to be too surprised if some of my posts are rather strange. I can be a little odd sometimes.

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