Thursday, May 26, 2011

Before I Go

I found this poem as I was searching my files for a school assignment. I wrote a couple years ago. I don't remember the inspiration, but I like what I wrote. I'd completely forgotten about it.

So this I know, before I go
A secret must I tell
As deadly as the drifting snow
Even if I’m damned to hell 
My throbbing heart was torn from me
My hands stained bloody red
I killed he that stole it from me
And left him there for dead

My life drains in gushing rivers
My eyes are weighted low
I took the life from the giver
My soul thrums, sad and slow

His ghost came back and sang to me
And I gave him a dirge
And so we parted happily
Entwined, our souls will merge

So he with me, and I with him
A double travesty
Pliant to each and every whim
Till blood should be set free

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