Saturday, March 26, 2011


Have you seen them? Everyone's wearing them (and by everyone, I mean those people who are in the minority that have tribalistic leanings). They're feather hair extensions! My newest trend obsession.

These are great for so many reasons. For starters, they add sublte color to your hair and since they're just a trend in the eyes of some people, you can wear them to your job. They perfectly toe the line between being alternative and acceptable. They're a spunky-punky, wild-child accessory and I love them. They come in stripes, plain, natural colors, rainbow colors, short, or long. I always imagine myself wearing them while dancing around a big bonfire in a feminist ritual or something when I have long hair. I'd post pictures, but blogger doesn't do well with pictures, so here are some links to pictures.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I'm sick of myself. Do you ever get sick of yourself? Sometimes I just get tired of being me. I want to...I don't know...borrow somebody else's mind and body for a while. Just to try something new to relieve the boredom of me. I know other people don't think I'm boring (most of them, anyway), but I'm so used to me that I'm bored out of my skull. I wish to change myself. Just a few things...

I want to de-censor myself. I want to be less complex. I overthink everything, and I'd like to be a little simpler, a little more in the moment, and a little more carefree. Instead of sitting around worrying and deliberating about everything I have to do, I'd like to just do it. I don't think worrying beforehand about a task decreases the number of mistakes I make, but it does make me freak out more about the mistakes and not fix them as well. I just need to kick back a little, have some fun, get a little excited about things, and not worry so much. Great - now I'm worrying about not worrying.

I want to get into alternate spirituality. I hate having to conform to my parents' religion. There is no freedom in it. They tell that god just is the way he is and to just accept it, and they don't approve of asking questions. They tell you everything that is not christian is evil but they don't explain why. I want to be able to ask questions, and I want to be allowed to explore the darker corners of my mind. I don't want to just have to sit tight and be a good little girl and not ask questions.